
Who is Richelle?

Richelle is a graduate of UCLA and has been in Las Vegas since 1991. She built her first business to $36million and lost it all after the 9/11 Tragedies. She rebuilt her million dollar company back in 5 months. Richelle held the distinction of being the only female public utility owner in the nation before selling her telephone company in 2007. She is a sought after expert and has been featured in USA Today, Entrepreneur, Black Enterprise, Smart Money and a featured expert for Wells Fargo Small Business Online, Workz.com, Moms In Business and an author.

Richelle’s first book, How to Build A Million Dollar Business in Las Vegas – Without the Casinos was first published in 2008. Richelle’s 2nd book, entitled, MD, INC. The business of marketing a practice and her 3rd book, Don’t Call it A Comeback – How to Build A Business During A Recession are slated to premier in the next 18 months.

In addition to writing, Richelle is an international speaker, with requests from Barcelona, Spain and South Africa. She also runs her publishing company, RTS Publishing, LLC and coaches entrepreneurs. Via her online webstore, Richelle consistently sells her custom Business Bootcamp DVDs, Customers for Life Program and the Ultimate Marketing Plan Workshop. She also is a Certified Physician Marketing Expert helping physicians build their dream practice. Richelle’s privately owned businesses are in the top 3% of all women owned businesses and the top .01% of all African American owned businesses in the United States according to the Center for Women’s Business Research.

You can read the whole story in my book, How to Build A Million Dollar Business in Las Vegas Without the Casinos, but here’s the abbreviated version. At one point in my youth, I was dating three men in three different states and I had a HUGE telephone bill. At the same time, I was selling advertising for a “Welcome Neighbor Program”. At the local networking event, the then VP of the telephone company offered me a job. I was promoted five times in six years. Then bought the company from my boss. Before you ask, I received no outside money, the SBA turned me down, not because I did not meet their criteria, credit, experience requirements, but because the SBA did not like my telephone – public utility business. I had NO partners and NO outside money. Even so, everything was going extremely well when the incredible tragedy of the World trade Center changed my life (as well as thousands of other people).

FROM Bankruptcy to Millionaire

Well, I will not give the SBA any credit for what happened to my business. I LOST everything because I was not serious about the business. I did not save any of the profits, I did not expect for the planes to hit the World Trade Center, either. As the story continues, I sold off several of the non-profitable divisions of the business and still was left with over $2 million worth of business. After 9-11 happened, there was no mail for almost 3 weeks, and the meter was running on my telephone company. Before I knew it, I was in DEBT over $3million. So, I was forced to file bankruptcy.


The silver lining to this whole story is that I found an incredible mentor that changed my life and changed the way the I approached my business. I was able to implement the strategies and effectively MARKET and SELL my way out of the bankruptcy. Not to add insult to injury but NOW, I really had no cash and no credit.

BUT within 4 months, I had rebuilt my business and by the end of the year, I had my multi million dollar business again!

All using strategies that I learned. I basically got a PHD in down and dirty, focused, marketing and I am here to show YOU how! Here’s a little glimpse at what you will discover:

  • EASY low cost ways to build your business
  • Discover the one idea that costs nothing….that can explode your profits in your business
  • Apply the 3-step strategy to marketing to insure a flood of customers to your business
  • NO credit or money needed….if you are waiting for a “grant” or business loan, this is the key to your great business


Rodney  on April 5th, 2010

Good afternoon,
I met you this weekend at the Black Womens Expo. Thanks for chatting with me and for giving me a chance to mention my magazine. It gave me a chance to share Our Own Voices with some folks that other wise may not have heard about it.
Angela, my media coordinator, is looking forward to setting up an interview with you.
Have a great day.


Rodney Smith
(702) 683-9868

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Second Mortgage Texas  on July 14th, 2010

Good afternoon,I met you this weekend at the Black Womens Expo. Thanks for chatting with me and for giving me a chance to mention my magazine. It gave me a chance to share Our Own Voices with some folks that other wise may not have heard about it.Angela, my media coordinator, is looking forward to setting up an interview with you.Have a great day.

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