When Should I Market?
This has got to be my most favorite question–
It is kinda like – when should I begin a diet? On Monday? – when the week is just starting? Or Sunday – so that it is a full 7 days?
I get asked more often when should I start marketing? Then, I hear, I am just too busy to think about marketing my business. I like to do it in my down time.
That’s when I start to get nervous! So here’s my answer that I can put in print and not get blocked by SPAM filters.
Put the burger and fries down now – and start the diet right this moment! Why dig the well, after you are thirsty?
Biggest mistake business owners make – not having a concrete marketing plan. I know, I am a go after it kind of girl who runs before she walks however, it is important to map out month by month what should happen in your business. And there should NEVER I mean NEVER be a time where you say, SKIP this month.
The main reason – hello, your bills don’t take Summer Skips or Easter Skips (like my Aunt Dorie says) They come every month – just like your marketing campaigns should.
Need extra help? I have 2 programs that might work for you.
1. The Ultimate Marketing Plan Tele-Class, which is an 8 week tele-class where we break down your plan month by month and develop an implementation program for you. This is limited to 8 people and the next one is starting soon – well as soon as I can fit it in my schedule – looks like late August. Email me if you are interested.
2. I have teamed up with my friend Brenda Prinzavalli from Balanced Organizing Solutions and the featured Organizer on More – Fox’s Television Show to develop an incredible online/telephone coaching program to put everything together for you called Marketing Organized. We break down my fundamental strategies with her specialized organizing expertise for entrepreneurs and BINGO it’s a winner! It is an annual program with a 12 month in depth review of principles, a little nudging if you slow down, and down right, kick ass skills to lead your business into BIG MONEY. Send me a quick note if you think this program would be good for you. Check out Brenda in her latest segment for Fox5 Las Vegas
http://www.fox5vegas.com/video/15065049/index.html This program is a winner – see you there!