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Tip #25: What It Takes To Build A Million Dollar Business

There is a simple plan to building a million dollar business and I have followed it several times both personally and for clients.
The system is basic and simple, but don’t mistake simple and basic for easy. It can be difficult to stay focused on the basic and simple things.

Strategy #1
1. Great Customer Service – Last week, I met with a coaching client who was having difficulty with a new vendor. She decided to change vendors because of the cost savings and then half way into to the transition, the deal was not how it was presented. So my client asked for help from the owner. Well, the owner turned out to be an independent contractor for a bigger company and could not help with the transition. Then, when my client mentioned cancelling, the vendor complained to him that he would lose the commission. WHAT? Lose the commission, what about all the business he was losing while the problem persisted. And the loss of time for my client while he chased down getting the problem rectified. Often clients come to me and ask for marketing help but their problem is really in fixing their customer service.

This seems so simple, but when I ask business owners in the initial consultations, I ask, what makes you different from your competitors, and 100% of the time, the new client will tell me – CUSTOMER SERVICE…sigh…

2. Nurture Existing Clients – Stop chasing new clients and start focusing attention and dollars on your existing customers. If you only have one product or service to sell – get another one. Create a relationship by nurturing the relationship with a monthly newsletter, tips sheet, information that the customer can use. MONTHLY – not sporatically, not when you think about it, MONTHLY. If you need help visit –

3. Have more than one way to acquire a customer – I can usually stump a new client when I ask them, how many ways are you getting a new customer right now? I am shocked at how many have less than 5 ways. A million dollar business has more than 30. During FreshStart’s reign, I had over 84 ways. That I did every month, partnerships, signage, radio, phone book (hispanic and general)… Take this time to write down how many ways that you have for bringing in a new customer. I guarantee that the number of ways that you have are a direct correlation to how much money you have in the bank.
Simple and basic but POWERFUL

Tip #24: Winning Is More Than An Attitude

Now, money is tight for the world, I get more and more questions about how did you keep going through adversity?

At first I used to seem baffled by this question. But lots of experience in failure, left me feeling like, this happens to everyone. So – lesson number one, as an entrepreneur, you will fail often. I have experienced way more failures in my life than successes but the one thing that never leaves my brain or heart is the reason for the failure.

As much as I probably should have looked at the failures as a reflection of me, I have never assumed that the failure was all me. I looked at what was going on in the world, and realized that there are always winners and losers. Even in this economy. During the most prosperous time in U.S. History, I was struggling to build my company. Yes, Struggling. So was it hard for me to focus on getting up again. Not really, how I view the economy – is actually directly tied to my bank account.

Right now, I am not experiencing the toughness of the economy. As a matter of fact, most of my personal mastermind group is not experiencing it either.

Who is experiencing it? Those that forgot to work on What Next in their businesses and have been coasting. Selling to “low hanging” fruit. Customers that come to them and never going deep into their list. Those making it focused on building relationships instead of building their second and third dream homes.
Winning is more than an attitude but it starts first with not worrying about the national economy, whether its good or bad. The focus is about your economy. It can change with YOU but only You.

Tip #23: ESP

Wouldn’t it be great if we had ESP and were able to know when our customers wanted to buy from us again?

Well, our program works similar to ESP. ESP = Retention Marketing exemplified in our program, Keeping Customers for Life.

Here is how it works…

Is this economy harder than you thought?

Imagine if all of your customers that ever did business with you were still doing business with you. Would your business look differently?

Keeping customers takes time but also if you are doing so in an organize fashion, you end up making your Retention Marketing – Hit & Miss.

Hit & Miss ends up looking like a desperate attempt to get money, instead of a great attempt to build a relationship.

You know that the easiest person to sell is one where you have a relationship. Well, it also is based on believing that you will be there in the long haul. That you are trust worthy and that you are providing information that I need.

Not only does Retention Marketing work in any kind of economy, but it helps explode your referrals and reactivation of old customers. Your second easiest customer to sell – a referred one. They are least price resistant and you are normally a shoe-in as long as you don’t screw up the process.

Tip #22: Creating an Effective Offer is a Formula

First, You need to start with something your prospects want, not what you want.

Plus, make it attractive and full of value.

One secret – 10% off is not special.

If you have to increase rates to make the discount better – increase your rates!

Tip # 21: The Problems with Improving Your Own Marketing

Here are just a few of the problems that come from trying to improve your own marketing….

– Never finding the time to focus on this

– Not having a path and a guide….floundering with too many disconnected and disorganized ideas

– Takes too much time to pour through hundreds of books and courses

– Change is hard; too easy to fall back into comfortable habits

– Feeling like an “odd duck,” resistance or criticism from others

To get Dan Kennedy’s Most Incredible Free Gift Ever – full of great marketing advice – click here

Also, for info on our local meetings where I personally teach marketing strategies, click here at or see our fan page on nevadamarketingcenter.

Any other questions, please email us at

Tip #20: The New Economy Rule

Big sales surges are going to come from within your business not from outside of your business.

Why? People are scared to buy. They are scared to get duped, to feel like they were wrong. And to ultimately lose money. You may be able to get new customers during this new economy but it is harder and harder.

Want further evidence that Retention Marketing works? Customer service is KING right? Well part of customer service is properly communicating to your existing customers. I like to spend only 30% of my marketing budget on new business and the other 70% on taking care of the customers who have purchased my product or service.

You should spend that 70%, creating a Wowing Welcome Package, thank you gifts and on your monthly newsletter. Plus, additional upsell, cross sell marketing campaigns to existing customers.

To get Dan Kennedy’s Most Incredible Free Gift Ever – full of great marketing advice – click here

Also, for info on our local meetings where I personally teach marketing strategies, click here at or see our fan page on nevadamarketingcenter.

Any other questions, please email us at

Tip #19: Leverage Your Time By Creating Systems

Did you know that Burger King started before McDonalds however Burger King has never grown as fast, earned more per store or annual sales and is failing to prosper versus McDonald’s?
Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, revolutionized the regular “hamburger stand” by systematizing all of the processes of the “burger joint” and changed the way fast food restaurants are run.
The most important lesson to learn from McDonald’s? The system beats the taste every time. Arguably, Burger King has a better tasting burger but they consistently lose to McDonald’s.
As a business owner, you have to be selective about the actions that consume your time. They must be made with specific criteria and high expectations. You must select programs that have:
– Proven Strategies
– Ease of Implementation
– Straight Forward Directions
– Suggested Timelines
– Flexible Expense Options
– A Plan for Success

To get Dan Kennedy’s Most Incredible Free Gift Ever – full of great marketing advice – click here

Also, for info on our local meetings where I personally teach marketing strategies, click here at or see our fan page on nevadamarketingcenter.

Any other questions, please email us at
nevadamarketingcenter@gmail. com

Tip #18: Do Something!

Be Somewhere, Be Somebody, & Do Something!

Well, creating plans, journals, thinking, dreaming, hoping, waiting for the Secret to attract the right kinds of clients, just won’t cut it. Implementation makes an ordinary business into an extraordinary business but it is up to you to do something.

If you are waiting for the project, the ad, the sales letter, the thank you note to be PERFECT? Guess What??? Perfect never comes. Just get it done!

If we have learned any lesson for this year so far, it is USING WHAT YOU GOT. Making the most out of every opportunity and never ever giving up!

Remember, be somewhere, be somebody and do something!
To get Dan Kennedy’s Most Incredible Free Gift Ever – full of great marketing advice – click here

Also, for info on our local meetings where I personally teach marketing strategies, click here at or see our fan page on nevadamarketingcenter.

Any other questions, please email us at

Tip #17: Be Somebody

Last week I shared Dan Kennedy’s tip to Be Somewhere. This week I’m talking about the next step, Be Somebody…

Basically, its time that you stop hiding and become the Expert in your industry. How to do that, by speaking, writing articles, writing books, being quoted by your industry journal, providing expert information for case studies. But, you can’t be an expert in your office to just your employees. The world needs to know that you are important.

If you are waiting until you are ready – Guess What??? Ready never comes.

Next Week Do Something!

To get Dan Kennedy’s Most Incredible Free Gift Ever – full of great marketing advice – click here

Also, for info on our local meetings where I personally teach marketing strategies, click here at or see our fan page on nevadamarketingcenter.

Any other questions, please email us at
nevadamarketingcenter@gmail. com

Tip #16: Be Somewhere

I have been cleaning out my garage, my office and going through old notes to finish my marketing strategy session for the year and I noticed a great note written after the Advanced Coaching and Consulting Workshop given by Dan Kennedy a few years ago and he said, Be Somewhere, Be Somebody and Do Something.

At first when I realized that it cost over $11,800 to be there and it’s this simple, I started to say – Hey Wait a Minute… but after Dan finished I was convinced.

Let me share one of his suggestions…

1. Be Somewhere!
If you want to make 2010 your best year yet, you have to be somewhere. You can’t sit in the office hoping and wishing your business to be better. You must be out networking, speaking, donating time, making connections, helping other business or organizations and just being out in the thick of things, you will be able to notice more and more opportunities.

Next week I’ll share about Be Somebody!

To get Dan Kennedy’s Most Incredible Free Gift Ever – full of great marketing advice – click here

Also, for info on our local meetings where I personally teach marketing strategies, click here at or see our fan page on nevadamarketingcenter.

Any other questions, please email us at nevadamarketingcenter@gmail. com