Be Somewhere, Be Somebody and Do Something
We are a quarter of the way through 2010, how are you doing?
Here’s Your Best 2010 Tip: Be Somewhere, Be Somebody and Do Something.
I have been cleaning out my garage, my office and going through old notes to finish my marketing strategy session for the year and I noticed a great note written after the Advanced Coaching and Consulting Workshop given by Dan Kennedy a few years ago and he said, Be Somewhere, Be Somebody and Do Something.
At first when I realized that it cost over $11,800 to be there and it’s this simple, I started to say – Hey Wait a Minute… but after Dan finished I was convinced.
Let me share some of his suggestions…
1. Be Somewhere!
If you want to make 2010 your best year yet, you have to be somewhere. You can’t sit in the office hoping and wishing your business to be better. You must be out networking, speaking, donating time, making connections, helping other business or organizations and just being out in the thick of things, you will be able to notice more and more opportunities.
2. Be Somebody!
Basically, its time that you stop hiding and become the Expert in your industry. How to do that, by speaking, writing articles, writing books, being quoted by your industry journal, providing expert information for case studies. But, you can’t be an expert in your office to just your employees. The world needs to know that you are important.
3. Do Something!
Well, Creating plans, journals, thinking, dreaming, hoping, waiting for the Secret to attract the right kinds of clients, just won’t cut it. Implementation makes an ordinary business into an extraordinary business but it is up to you to do something.
If you are waiting until you are ready – Guess What??? Ready never comes.
If you are waiting for the project, the ad, the sales letter, the thank you note to be PERFECT? Guess What??? Perfect never comes. Just get it done!
If we have learned any lesson for 2009, it is USING WHAT YOU GOT. Making the most out of every opportunity and never ever giving up!
Remember, Be somewhere, be somebody and do something!
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