MISTAKE #4: “Lack Of A Referral Program”
What is the second easiest client to sell? The answer is A REFERRAL! Unfortunately, most people live with the myth that if they treat their clients great and give them great service and products, their clients will refer their friends to them. WRONG!
The “Lack Of A Referral Program” is a HUGE marketing mistake. The last thing that anyone is thinking when they are finished doing business with you is: “Whom can I send to these nice people so that they can get some more clients?”. It’s not because they don’t want to. It’s because we are all too busy to be thinking about it. That’s why you need to have a “Client Rewards / Referral System” in place, which will give your existing clients -an incentive to refer.
When it comes to referrals, we leverage an automated system to tell our clients what we expect of them, when we expect it and what’s in it for them, month after month after month. Your clients, customers or patients do not read minds – communicate what’s in it for them and watch them open their mouths.
The most inexpensive form of marketing and advertising is when your current clients refer others. Invest the time to cultivate referrals.
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MooRbsywosy on May 17th, 2010
Just want to say what a great blog you got here!
I’ve been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work!
Thumbs up, and keep it going!
Christian, Satellite Direct Tv
Tweets that mention Million Dollar Equation » MISTAKE #4: “Lack Of A Referral Program” -- Topsy.com on May 14th, 2010
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by richelleshaw. richelleshaw said: Not Rewarding Referrals – Marketing Mistake #4, see more at http://dld.bz/a2Nk […]