MISTAKE #5: “Lack Of A Lost Client Reactivation Program.”

 If a referral customer is the second easiest client to sell, then whom do you think is the third easiest client to get? The answer is your “lost clients.”  Again, most businesses totally ignore the clients that have NOT done business with them in several years, when in fact; these people are infinitely easier to sell than any new client – if you know how. Therefore, this mega marketing mistake is the “Lack Of A Lost Client Reactivation Program.”

Yes, this does require planning and organization…but it’s worth it.  The limits of the success of this program are the ones you place on it.

Don’t worry if you are 5 for 5 on these mistakes.  99% of business owners are…GUILTY!  Now, what are you going to do about it?  ‘To know and not to do is not to know.’  Do something!  I’d love to hear from you about your success.

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Tweets that mention Million Dollar Equation » MISTAKE #5: “Lack Of A Lost Client Reactivation Program.” -- Topsy.com  on May 17th, 2010

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by richelleshaw. richelleshaw said: What happened to you old clients (and why you should know!): http://dld.bz/a2N4 […]

Wordpress Themes  on June 23rd, 2010

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ford lover  on July 28th, 2010

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