Tip #2: I Won! I Won!

SuperConference Women Marketer of the Year

I had a great time in Dallas – the days were full sun up to sun down! Now I’m back to work (with 1,042 emails to catch up on)! Here are a few pictures from the conference! More pictures and info from the conference will be in the GKIC June Newsletter, so keep an eye out for it!

Top 10 Mega Marketing Mistakes
Richelle Shaw
Last week I started blogging the Top 10 Mega Marketing Mistakes on my blog…. http://blog.themilliondollarequation.com/

My goal is to share with you what mistakes Dan Kennedy helped me identify in my own business, and what you can do to avoid them. Chances are, you are making or have made the same mistakes. Just knowing AND avoiding them will make a HUGE difference in your bank account balance. Don’t feel bad if you identify with most of these as I go through them. I’ve only made one of them…yeah right! The real key is making necessary adjustments going forward. So checkout my blog posts and good luck!

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