MISTAKE #1: “Being An Advertising Victim.”
It’s real easy to be an Advertising Victim. You see, some advertising sales rep or agency comes in and tells you that you need to advertise because . . . . you need to advertise. And they want to sell you “institutional” advertising instead of “direct response” advertising. The difference is obvious. In fact, it’s right in the name. Institutional advertising is advertising like Coca Cola, Dell Computers, or the Goodyear Blimp. This is advertising where you can’t measure your results. I REPEAT…’This is advertising where you can’t measure the results.’ They tell you that when someone is ready for your particular product business service, they will now think of you and pick you to do business with. I don’t know about you, but I’m a little bit impatient. If you fall victim to this – ‘YOU’LL GO BROKE’. The only companies that can afford this type of advertising are the Coca Colas, the Dell Computers, or the Goodyear’s of the world.
What you want to do and ONLY do is emotional direct response advertising. That’s advertising where every dollar you spend is measurable and accountable. Dan taught me that ‘Cost Per Lead’ or ‘Cost Per Appointment’ or ‘Cost Per Sale’ are numbers I must know. 95% of business owners, professionals in practice and salespeople do not have a clue when it comes to these very important numbers. You must know what they mean, and how to calculate them. I don’t know about you, but I like predictability when I invest money in anything, especially marketing. This requires some education and definitely some effort and focus to get it right.
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physical therapist on May 12th, 2010
nice post. thanks.
Tweets that mention Million Dollar Equation » MISTAKE #1: “Being An Advertising Victim.” -- Topsy.com on May 11th, 2010
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