How many times does a client do business with you and you are not able to continue to communicate with him because you do NOT know how to contact him? The real gold in ANY business is in the customer base. The proper building, maintaining, nurturing and use of the most valuable asset of any business – the ‘house list,’ is widely neglected.
It is 10 times easier to get an existing client to return to you than it is to get a new client to do business with you. Plus, returning clients will spend twice as much with you upon their return as the new client will spend on their first contact with you. What would happen to your businesses if you had to constantly rely on selling new clients instead of existing ones? SO why do so many businesses still NOT collect their client data? Bad business decision, pure and simple. You must collect the necessary information which allows you to continue to market to your most valuable asset-YOUR EXISTING CUSTOMERS.
In our marketing consulting firm, we get the name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and birthdays (with bribes so we can give them a gift) of our clients. If I would let you look at our database, which I wouldn’t for proprietary reasons; you would see complete contact information for each of our clients. The key is market to your existing customers and continue to grow your business every year totally immune to outside factors.
There are several different CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) software providers that allow a person to easily keep track of, stay in touch with, market to, ask for referrals from our clients. We’ve done a ton of research and use two exclusively that are very user friendly and allow for a high level of automation.
Make the commitment now to become the best at client data collection!